Journal of Political Science and International Relations

Special Issue

African Migrants to Europe: Politics and Economy

  • Submission Deadline: 30 September 2022
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Antonis Chaldeos
About This Special Issue
After the end of colonialism, African migrants left their homeland due to the turbulent changes in local politics and economy. Throughout the 21st century, Europe experiences massive waves of migrants who struggle to enter its borders. The special issue will focus on the several political schemes issued by the European governments in order to cope with this phenomenon and the effects of the presence of African people on the economy and geopolitics of Europe. This mosaic of African migrants with different cultures, religions or even beliefs will move Europe to a new sphere as this osmosis will result in a series of aspects. Within the special issue, research articles will consider the various consequences of African immigration to Europe (economy, society, culture, future geopolitics etc).
Manuscripts will also query the initiatives of European countries in Africa as a measure of hampering the flow of migrants.


  1. African Migration Through Ages
  2. Europe’s Role in Africa’s Internal Affairs After 1960
  3. Effects of Decolonisation in Africa
  4. African Migration: Routes and Destinations
  5. Multiculturism in Europe of the 21st Century
  6. The Role of African Migrants in the Societies of Europe
  7. Migration as a Solution to Europe’s New Economical Conditions
  8. African Migrants: the Role of Religion in the Adaptation Procedure
Lead Guest Editor
  • Antonis Chaldeos

    Languages, Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa